Expand description

A library for formatting of text or programming code snippets.

It’s primary purpose is to build an ASCII-graphical representation of the snippet with annotations.


error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/format.rs:52:1
51 |   ) -> Option<String> {
   |        -------------- expected `Option<String>` because of return type
52 | /     for ann in annotations {
53 | |         match (ann.range.0, ann.range.1) {
54 | |             (None, None) => continue,
55 | |             (Some(start), Some(end)) if start > end_index => continue,
...  |
71 | |         }
72 | |     }
   | |_____^ expected enum `std::option::Option`, found ()

The crate uses a three stage process with two conversions between states:

Snippet --> Renderer --> impl Display

The input type - Snippet is a structure designed to align with likely output from any parser whose code snippet is to be annotated.

The middle structure - Renderer is a structure designed to convert a snippet into an internal structure that is designed to store the snippet data in a way that is easy to format. Renderer also handles the user-configurable formatting options, such as color, or margins.

Finally, impl Display into a final String output.


  • testing-colors - Makes Renderer::styled colors OS independent, which allows for easier testing when testing colored output. It should be added as a feature in [dev-dependencies], which can be done with the following command:
cargo add annotate-snippets --dev --feature testing-colors



  • An annotation for a Snippet.
  • A renderer for Snippets
  • Structure containing the slice of text to be annotated and basic information about the location of the slice.
  • Primary structure provided for formatting
  • An annotation for a Slice.
